Why You Should Start Early

Do you know that the rewards of investing early far outweigh the benefits of starting later? This is the powerful force of accruing interest. On an average, people who invest at a young age are more likely to grow their wealth, become financially independent and reach retirement sooner. The first step in your journey to investing should be a strong financial education. It is never wise to make investments in financial products you do not understand or cannot explain.

Ade and Ola are colleagues who started working at age 20 and retired at 60, Ade started investing N50,000 monthly right from his first pay-check while Ola decides to hold on for ten years. Ola also invested N50,000 monthly from the age of 30.

At retirement, Ade had about double-digit difference on his returns despite the fact that there was only a N6 million difference in capital invested. That is the power of starting early.

With investing, it is not just the act but the habit you are building along the way. Postponed investment short-changes you in the long run. The sooner you invest, the more your money grows and no amount is too small to start.

At FundQuest, you can begin with N50,000 or more and grow your investment as your income increases overtime. We invest and manage your money in risk friendly portfolios to suit your needs. 

Start investing today with us today at FundQuest Financial Services Limited.

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