Dear Diary,
I know I have been gone so long! Forgive me…
As confusing as it may seem, I never actually left. Allow me to explain…
I did tell you about the lockdown the last time I wrote, and about how much I miss work. Oh diary, it hasn’t gotten any better, I still do miss work, and terribly too. I remember when the lockdown was first announced; oh how it had felt good knowing that I could sleep in for a couple more hours in the morning. For a while it had seemed like a long-delayed Utopia. In hindsight dear diary, maybe a little too much Utopia. Because I certainly now understand why they say too much of everything is bad.
I do admit though, that within then and now, I had a lot of free time and I could have said hello once or twice more than I did dear diary. But truth is, staying home from work isn’t
all it promises to be, especially since I had to go home and be with my family (yeah, I had to). I should probably let you in on one thing too diary, younger siblings are nothing if not juvenile terrorists! Aaaargh!
I did manage to get by with the kids after a few days however, in spite of their numerous and seemingly unending vices. But then another phase then somehow set in; the keeping up with expectation phase.
Now that I think back at it, I probably should have just ignored the hype at the time. But dear diary, with everyone now at home, and social media suddenly awash with keep fit goals, online courses, skills to develop during the lockdown, and what have you, I indelibly fell for the pressure, and suddenly I found myself taking multiple online courses (none of which I have yet finished), and exercises (none of which I have been able to regularly dedicate myself to either). But eventually diary, it all slowed down…
The days are all the same now diary. Yesterday is today, and today is tomorrow. There are no longer annoying Mondays, no slow Tuesdays, no thankful Fridays, no party weekends, no weekdays. There are just days now Diary, just slow boring days. I am not even sure of what to do with them anymore…
Bottom line diary, is I promise to see more of you as we now approach the easing phase of the lockdown. Next time I would gist you about how Olumide managed to almost break my heart recently, he is a Yoruba demon after all.
For now, goodnight Dear Diary.